Here I am, staring at my computer once again.
Just last week I felt like I had so much to say and now that I’m here planning out my content for the quarter… *crickets*
Even the best of us who look like we never run out of ideas get stuck.
Coming up with blog topics can be tough, mainly because there is SO much to talk about. It may not feel that way but once you get into the groove of brainstorming you’ll see it.
I’m going to give you my go-to, never fail method of brainstorming blog topics to help show you just how much the content fountain is everflowing.
To get started, list out all of your recent clients.
Starting with portfolio style blog posts, have you recapped their projects or sessions? The simplest way to get started with blogging is to simply share the work you are doing.
This can look like a recap of their experience, giving some insight into the process and then the final project. I love posts like this because they serve as a living, breathing portfolio for potential clients.
These posts can also have an angle of sharing what you learned through the process, and in turn what your audience can learn from you. People love to feel like they are coming along the journey with you!
Once you’ve exhausted those options, you can move along to more education style blog posts.
Create posts that highlight and praise those actions. Why did that make their experience better? Why do you recommend this to clients in the future? People don’t know what they don’t know, and having a guide to getting the most out of their experience is incredibly helpful.
Not to mention this will help you further identify and train more of your target market because the people who identify with the advice will know they’re a good fit.
Create posts educating one what you wish you could have told your client prior to their experience (or reiterate the advice they didn’t listen to, ha!).
This includes how to prepare, how certain choices impact their experience, why one decision is better than another, and how you would recommend others to approach it in the future.
This is another form of educating and training your target audience, because you’ll be weeding out the people who don’t agree with your perspective.
The goal of this approach isn’t to embarrass or call out the client with the things that could have gone better and it’s important to present the information in a way that doesn’t harm that relationship. It’s about recognizing the gaps in communication and preparation so you can help create more ideal situations in the future.
Again, people don’t know what they don’t know!
I think the best content strategies are centered around educating. People search because they want to learn – they want to know what you think and recommend.
The easiest way to come up with topics is to simply answer questions.
If they are asking questions in the sales process, this is GOLD. These are the things they are evaluating before making a decision to work with you. Just imagine how impactful it would be if you answered those questions before they were even asked! It’s an immediate trust builder because you’re always thinking one step ahead.
I love a good Facebook group. It’s truly the only reason I’m still on the app.
There is so much content within the discussions happening in posts. A few years ago I joined a bunch of groups where my target audience was hanging out. My main goal was to simply be a fly on the wall and see what kinds of things they were talking about – if I was able to jump in and interact, that was just a bonus!
I realized this is such a GIFT. The unfiltered questions and perspectives of the exact people I wanted to work with, all right in front of me…for free! I was able to turn many of those questions and discussions into blog post topics, which is awesome because then when you’re ready to enter the conversation, you have professional, curated content you can drop a link for.
People love to feel like experts. Leaning on past client experiences is always a fun one because you can strengthen your relationship with them by asking for their perspectives. Chances are they’ll love sharing what they learned, what they wish they could have done better, or brag on themselves for the best decisions they made.
It’s always so interesting to me to hear my own methods said back to me in someone else’s words. It’s like seeing it from a completely different perspective…not to mention they’ll be sharing about the things your future clients will also care about.
Sometimes it’s hard to pull ourselves out of our own industries and day to day to think about things from the angle of not being the expert.
Even still, brainstorming topics is only one part of the puzzle. You can take your strategy to the next level by making sure your content all works together for a larger message and goal.
If you need a coach to help walk you through the process so you can be set up for success every quarter, I’d love to introduce you to the Blogging and Content Planning VIP Day.
In this coaching program, we’ll talk through everything from the technical side of blogging to creating a repeatable process to creating an editorial calendar that speaks directly to your ideal clients.
Ready to invest in a marketing strategy that’s more long term? Learn more about the Blogging and Content Planning VIP Day here.
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