You looked through what felt like hundreds of website templates and found the one that felt the most like you. You’re plugging in your photos, changing the brand colors, updating links…everything is feeling good.
Then comes the hardest part – the WORDS.
You’re not totally sure how to narrow down all of the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve poured into building your business and serving your clients, so you start to tweak the provided copy in the template.
Eh, that doesn’t sound like me.
Then you open up a few tabs and start searching through the people you admire websites and piecing together sentences to explain the ins and outs of working with you.
Well, this is better but it feels like someone else’s clothes.
When it comes to websites, we often start with the design because honestly, that’s the most fun part. It’s pretty and exciting…but it’s not what sells. The words and how you explain, educate, and connect is what draws people in and convinces them to take the next step.
With the Website Strategy and Copy Program, we’re going to start with the very important foundational step of mapping out the pages of your site and how your user experience flows – thinking about what information would I want next to make this choice?
From there we’ll dig into each page, dissecting what you already have written from existing sites or content you’ve created, and work together to workshop your copy so it’s the perfect balance of intincing and helpful.
Your website SHOULD be your best salesperson. It should answer all of the initial questions about what it’s like to work with you – what customers should expect from you and what you expect from them.
By the time you actually talk with someone, it should be a conversation about specifics – not convincing why you’re the best option.
Writing for a website is very different from writing for a paper.
When we’re working through what you should say and how you should say it, we’ll also be working within a “wireframe.”
This way you won’t end up writing way too much copy for a specific section, and you can think about how it will actually be laid out on the page.
The beautiful thing about the final product is that you’ll have something you can either
OR…I’ll round out the project and design and build it for you!
The best part about this program is that we get this done quickly (over the course of 3 weeks). Writing this much content can be daunting, but having someone there working alongside you, talking through things out loud, workshopping the words in real time is a completely unique way to write.
I am so pumped about bringing this new approach to the website world – a mix between coaching, copywriting, and strategy with a purposeful website that converts as the goal.
If you feel like your website needs an update, your strategy and copy is where you need to start.
I will be accepting a very limited number of clients for the Website Strategy and Copy Program, so if you’re thinking this is a project you want to tackle, click here to get on the waitlist.
If you have other questions about the Website Strategy and Copy Program, please reach out or comment below (chances are someone else has the same question!).
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