If there’s one hill I will die on about marketing, it’s that blogging is not dead. It is one of the single most things I attribute the success of Dakota Hersey Photography to. While the environment around blogging has changed over the years (it’s no longer the main source of information or how people spend their time), it is still one of the main forms of content that has a continually building ROI.
It’s also hard. It takes a lot more effort than posting on Instagram, especially if you want it to work the way it’s supposed to.
So here’s the good news – we’re about to do this FOR YOU.
We will have two options – one for traditional blogging (think topics to educate, entertain, and attract) and one for photographers (more on this coming soon!).
Imagine having one blog post published a week that you can use to either explain your process, educate future and current clients, position yourself as an expert, and become the person that provides an answer when someone is searching on Google.
(It takes on average 3-6 months for a blog post to get traction but in my experience it’s more like 1-2 years, so be patient!)
Part of the issue with outsourcing is feeling like you don’t have a level of control. If all of your marketing is supposed to build trust in your level of expertise, how does that actually work if someone else is writing it for you?
The Solution: All of our blog posts are written off of an interview with you.
We’ll start with a strategy session to truly dig into what types of blog posts you need and how you want them to work for you. Not all blog posts are about “attracting” – some are to provide resources to clients, so you don’t have to constantly repeat yourself in emails.
Then we’ll come up with your topics and host an interview where we’ll let you talk through all of your thoughts. From there, we’ll craft and write blog posts that actually sound like you and have all of your thoughts.
It’s kind of like a more custom, hands-on version of transcribing except you don’t have to do the work of organizing it in a way that makes sense to read. You can just free-flow brainstorm with us.
Each month we’ll deliver 4 blog posts, written and formatted in WordPress, optimized for search (SEO). You’ll be able to publish one per week (recommended) or however often you’d like if it’s supplementing other marketing efforts.
Due to wanting to prioritize the level and depth of work for each person who partners with us, blogging clients will be booked when spots become available.
You have an option to book monthly or sign on for a full quarter at a discount (recommended!!!).
We’re so excited about offering this and helping business owners who have been flirting with the idea of blogging, but are having a hard time taking the first step or simply don’t have the time anymore.
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