Episode 2 of More Than Creative, The Podcast, is about Dakota breaking down brand strategy.
She talks about how she approached her More Than Creative business strategy by collecting brainstormed ideas in her own “manifesto” and the five stages to understanding your brand and then shaping your strategy: clarity, direction, voice, content, and visuals.
Dakota takes listeners through the five stages of brand strategy, breaking them down, explaining them, and giving tips and tricks on how to overcome the challenges that come with each stage.
Listen below!
Episode Description
We’re starting off with explaining the basis of how I approach everything when it comes to brand strategy… the five stages that I believe makeup fully understanding and growing your brand in a way that is authentic and sustainable. I’m excited to dive into each stage (clarity, direction, voice, content, and visuals), so you can start to audit your business for the areas you know really well and the ones you could improve in.
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