the blog


Brand Identity

content Strategy


website Strategy

As strong believers in creating content that educates, entertains, and inspires, the blog will always be a place of fresh content speaking directly to the things you need as a business owner. 

This episode of More Than Creative, The Podcast is discussing blogs and how to approach them. While it can feel like blogging is dead and social media and short-form video is king, blogging is still an extremely beneficial marketing strategy that has a much longer return on investment. They have exponential value in your SEO […]


EP 010: Blog Topics, Categories, and Tags

Dakota and Weston weather a summer thunderstorm inside talking about how intention drives behavior and how it makes key differences in how you approach your business – and your life. Dakota shares how she approached beginning More Than Creative, how she collected her core values, and how she continues to shape and narrow them down as […]


EP 009: Intention Drives Behavior

In Episode 8 of More Than Creative, The Podcast, Dakota and Weston discuss the values of storytelling beyond what’s being shown in an Instagram post. They highlight the value in doing, creating, and writing things that you actually want to read and enjoy. Mentioning everything from Barbenhimer and Life Size to The Beatles and Nirvana […]


EP 008: Show, Don’t Tell: Write Something You Actually Want To Read

On this episode of More Than Creative, The Podcast, Dakota and Weston talk about “About” pages and how your personality can shine through in your website copy.  The “About” page of your website is where you can really be creative and have more freedom to express what makes you unique – as long as you […]


EP 007: Brand Personality + “About” Pages: No One Cares About Your Timeline

More Than Creative, The Podcast Episode 006 is titled Don’t Be Afraid To Be Different.  Dakota and Weston discuss their copywriting client, Kelsie Zeagler Photography, and the things they have learned through working with her, developing her copy and website. They talk about how business owners struggle with explaining why they are different and where […]


EP 006: Don’t Be Afraid To Be Different

Dakota and Weston dive deep into words, their connotation, and their definitions in Episode Five of More Than Creative, The Podcast.  Weston joins Dakota on the podcast as a permanent addition! He is now acting as the podcast manager/producer. He and Dakota discuss how the connotation of words affects how your clients receive your messaging, […]


EP 005: Choosing The Right Words To Describe Your Brand

Episode Four of More Than Creative, The Podcast is all about core values.  Dakota talks about how the fundamental beliefs that we hold as people affect the way we approach life, our decisions, and our business. She discusses why it’s important to define and understand your core values, what core values even are, how they […]


EP 004: How To Incorporate Your Core Values Into Your Messaging

Episode 2 of More Than Creative, The Podcast, is about Dakota breaking down brand strategy.  She talks about how she approached her More Than Creative business strategy by collecting brainstormed ideas in her own “manifesto” and the five stages to understanding your brand and then shaping your strategy: clarity, direction, voice, content, and visuals.  Dakota […]


EP 002: My 5 Stage Approach To Brand Strategy

The very first More Than Creative, The Podcast episode!  Dakota talks about the value of podcasting along with the processes and challenges behind starting and creating a podcast and a brand. She mentions core beliefs and being authentic, stating that starting More Than Creative, The Podcast is a perfect opportunity for her to show up […]


EP 001: Welcome To More Than Creative, The Podcast!